SHAWAHIQ TAYBA READY MIX CONCRETE شركة شواهق طيبة للخرسانة الجاهزة SHAWAHIQ TAYBA READY MIX CONCRETE شواهق طيبة للخرسانة الجاهزة

We apply the best modern methods

In green concrete industry


Shawahiq Tayba focuses On the production

of better concrete by reduction Of

polluting the surrounding environment

& contribute to their preservation.

Also the Introduction of BIO

concrete is the initial step

towards supporting the

Green Building Concept.

We adhere to the utmost safety to preserve the environment
Shawahiq Tayba developing a concrete building material that has decreased impact on environment which does not contribute CO2 emission and decrease of corrosion and heat cracking.
Green Concrete is a term give to a concrete that has extra steps taken in the mix design and placement to insure a sustainable structure and a long life cycle with a low maintenance surface
Green concrete is a concept of thinking environment into concrete considering every aspect from raw materials manufacture over mix design to structural design, construction and service life